Vonda Rainey
Vonda Rainey
I was born in and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am married and have 2 children. I have a Bachelors and Master Degree in Speech Pathology and currently work part-time as a certified Speech-Language Pathologist.
I have many hobbies such as making jewelry, gardening/landscaping, crafting and painting.
ART has always been my passion and hobby since childhood. I only recently have decided to share it with the world.
I love all kinds of art: Modern, abstract, contemporary, impressionism, traditional. mixed media, oils and acrylics. I paint using mostly oils and acrylics. I LOVE COLOR. I am also available to do commissioned work.
Email: vonda@the-raineys.net
Cell: 501-772-4711
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Freshly-Painted-by-Vonda